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Free Ethereum Bootcamp in Addis Ababa

Learn how to write Solidity smart contracts and become an Ethereum developer. The course starts in December 2023.

Addis Ababa night skyline | Photo by Hooaos

Web3 Company, Project or an individaul and want to help?

The battle of Adwa

We strongly believe in the power of African countries, their people, and their role in helping Web3 become mainstream. We are not doing this simply to offer some form of mercy or humanitarian aid, but rather to bridge the gap and foster closer ties between the African and European/Balkan communities.

Read the whole manifestoFollow us on Twitter

The battle of Adwa: an Ethiopian victory that ran against the current of colonialism | Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash


The Ethereum ETHiopia Bootcamp is a free, Ethereum development bootcamp lasting four weeks, located in Addis Ababa. Our aim is to teach 10-15 participants how to write Solidity smart contracts and create dApps on the Ethereum platform. This bootcamp is facilitated by experienced developers with a significant background in teaching.

Our primary objective is to fortify the existing Ethereum community in Ethiopia, particularly in Addis Ababa, and foster stronger connections between the Ethiopian and Balkan communities. We envision those who successfully complete the bootcamp to further disseminate this knowledge by teaching subsequent cohorts, as well as organizing gatherings and meetups in their local communities.


Cryptography & Blockchains 101 - fundamentals and primitives

  • Asymmetric cryptography
  • Hash functions
  • Digital Signatures
  • Distributed Systems
  • Decentralization
  • Consensus
  • Blocks and Blockchain
  • Proof of Work and Proof of Stake
  • Public and private blockchains
  • Bitcoin fundamentals and history
  • Wallets 101

Ethereum and Solidity

  • Ethereum fundamentals and history
  • User accounts (Externally Owned Accounts) and Smart Contracts
  • Ethereum addresses
  • Wallets (deep dive)
  • Nodes
  • Gas & Transactions
  • Ethereum network
  • Merkle trees (Hash trees)
  • Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)
  • Ethereum clients
  • Intro to Remix
  • Intro to Hardhat and Foundry
  • Intro to Solidity
  • Solidity data types
  • Solidity functions
  • Solidity storage and memory
  • Solidity events and logs
  • Solidity ABI
  • Inheritance and interfaces
  • Design Patterns
  • Solidity Factory Contracts
  • Inter-contract execution
  • Off-chain data and Oracles
  • Intro to Chainlink
  • Smart Contract standards: ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1155
  • Intro to Openzeppelin
  • Access Control Design Patterns
  • Upgradeable Contracts
  • Gas optimization
  • Smart Contracts System Design

Dev Tooling and important projects and topics

  • JavaScript and dApps
  • Web3 JavaScript Frontend libraries (wagmi.js, ethers.js i web3.js)
  • Ethers.js deep dive
  • Wagmi.js deep dive
  • Foundry deep dive
  • Tenderly Web3 Development Platform (deep dive)
  • Node as a service platforms
  • TDD and testing Smart Contracts and dApps
  • Decentralized Storage (IPFS)
  • Filecoin
  • Ethereum Name Service
  • The Graph
  • Intro to Zero Knowledge
  • Intro to Account Abstraction

Preparing for the future career

  • How to get the first job as a Solidity Developer
  • How to start and run web3 startup
  • Web3 promotion and marketing


Petar started his programming career in 2015, his blockchain career in 2017, and for the last three years, he has been building products exclusively on Ethereum. He is the founder of Renfter, a protocol for securely renting NFTs, the ETH Belgrade conference, the largest Ethereum conference in the Balkans, and Belgrade Blockchain Week.

A blockchain veteran and architect with just over 7 years of experience working on Ethereum. During his career, Pavle has participated in countless well-known blockchain projects such as the decentralized Ethereum Swarm storage and the decentralized crypto donation platform, Giveth.

Tanja has been doing marketing for eight years now. She worked for many big international companies, but last three years she's running her own web3 marketing agency. She had many important clients raging from DeFi projects to NFTs and events.

Igor is a Software Developer with many years of experience. He has worked on various projects, ranging from large Web2 e-commerce systems to Web3 NFTfi protocols.


When does the bootcamp start?

December 2023. Exact date TBA

How long does the bootcamp take?

4 weeks

How much time do I have to commit?

At least 9 hour per week; 3 days a week for 3 hour long lessons + some extra time for homework

Can I participate online?

No. Unfortunately physical presence is required during the whole bootcamp

Do I have to pay anything in order to participate?

No, bootcamp is completely free

How many participants will be accepted?

Between 10 and 15

I don't have any programming experience, can I still apply?

You can, but candidates with prior programming experience will have advantage

What are you waiting for?

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